What We Do
Protecting Ideas. Exceeding Expectations.
Whether you need help with patents, copyrights, trademarks or even global solutions, our highly knowledgable team has the skills and expertise to deliver the best results.
We work with you to take your idea, no matter how rough it is, and turn it into an issued patent. But we do more than just create patents, we help you plan out your entire IP and portfolio management strategies – allowing you to make the most of your ideas.
Invention & Patent Mining
Disclosure Creation
US & Foreign Preparation
Searching & Patentability Opinions
Competitive Monitoring
Infringement Opinions
Fee Management
Annual Portfolio Review
Patent Strategy
We offer global solutions when it comes to securing and enforcing IP rights. Intellectual Property is the new currency in the world economy, often with conflicting laws and regulations that are ever changing. Our team can work with you to analyze how best to protect your ideas in the global arena.
International Overview
Foreign Clients Doing Business in the U.S.
Domestic Clients Doing Business Abroad
Cross Border Transactions
Foreign registration and monitoring
With experience ranging from registration to enforcement, we can guide you through the process of protecting your original works of authorship. Our team can discuss the benefits of registering your copyrights, as well as enforce them in order to maximize the value of your work.
Copyrights Overview
Copyright Registration & Counseling
Copyright Enforcement
Customs & Border Protection
We understand that your brand is one of your most important assets, which is why we help you aggressively protect and enforce it globally.
US & Foreign Registration
Trademark StrategyUS Opposition
Foreign Opposition
Competitive Monitoring
Trademark Enforcement
Trade Secrets
Not every idea should be patented, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be protected. Sometimes, keeping your ideas private can give you a strategic advantage. We can help you decide which option is right for your needs.
Versus Patenting
Protection & Maintenance
IP Transactions
IP assets are often at the heart of a company’s most important business decisions – and transactions. Our attorneys can provide advice to ensure you get the full value for your intellectual property.
Due Diligence
Licensing & Joint Ventures
Cross Border Transactions
Licensing Negotiations
The best service via the best team.
Our team is comprised of highly skilled, multi-faceted attorneys – many of whom hold multiple technical degrees, have corporate patent and trademark counsel experience and an average of over a decade of experience in the industries we serve. With expertise in all facets of intellectual property law including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing and related matters, you can rest assured that you’re working with the very best.
We represent clients ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to individual inventors, authors and owners of creative works – and every size in between.
With our state-of-the-art intellectual asset management system and a network of foreign partners, we can be your single source for providing US and international filings efficiently and cost effectively – maximizing ROI on your IP spend.
Our clients’ success is what matters to us most.
“The attorneys at Perman & Green have an innate ability to recognize the needs and goals of their clients.”
Delivering IP excellence in a broad range of industries.

Some of the business categories in which we hold expertise include material handling systems, telecommunications, integrated circuits and software, artificial intelligence, neural networks, robotics, image processing, optics, pharmaceuticals, polymer chemistry, medical devices and business methods. It is this diverse and extensive experience that allows us to deliver comprehensive intellectual property protection and utilization including assistance with intellectual property strategy and transactions, intellectual property clearance, defense and enforcement.
Got a question? Get in touch.